TJ often felt like he was more devoted to his job than he was to
anything else in his life. But he also knew that now that he was on
the road to being a father, he was going to have to make some
changes. And if those changes started with taking some time off to
drive with Kayla to visit her family in Boston to share their news,
well there were worse ways to begin. He'd said he would drive his
car, so before the morning of their departure, he'd washed the car
and detailed the inside, then gone to the store and bought up a
bunch of snacks and a new cooler to keep drinks in. He'd packed for
a week and his luggage was shoved in the back of the SUV. He had
satellite radio in the car as well as an audio jack for his phone if
they wanted something else. All in all, he felt prepared for the
trip ahead and was actually looking forward to it. He didn't sleep
as well as he would have liked, mainly because of the sense of
anticipation, like a kid on Christmas Eve. But when he woke the next
morning, he felt rested enough. He made sure the house was locked up
tight and then jumped in the car and headed for Kayla's place to
pick her up.
Kayla first mentioned going to Boston she didn't really think Travis
would be tagging along; it was what she loved about him the most
that she hated the most as well -- his dedication to the job and his
inability to let go of it. She had certainly been surprised when
he'd so easily agreed to going and had taken time off from work.
Realistically she knew that if she had to she could have taken the
trip on her own, but it was very long, and she was glad that she
didn't. There was a little part of her that felt she should not have
asked him to come -- that it wasn't something she should expect of
him, but she wanted him there, and she chose to ignore that part of
her brain.
They had agreed to meet up at her place, and she had actually woken
up earlier than she'd initially planned that morning. She knew she
needed her rest, but just like any other time when she was going on
a trip, her brain would go on overdrive and she had to check things
twice, if not three times to make sure everything was as it should
be, and that she wasn't missing anything. She had just finished
taking Troy out for a walk, and had only been back for a few minutes
when she heard the familiar sound of a car pulling up. Taking a
glance out the window, she noticed TJ's SUV parked outside. She made
her way over to the door, unlocking it and leaving it slightly ajar
-- just enough for him to notice, but not enough for the dog to
sneak out.
Going back into her bedroom, she grabbed the bags she had left on
top of her bed. She was being a typical girl, and had packed more
than she needed. It was something she had done her entire life, and
something that would never change. Stepping back out into the living
room, she dropped the bags on the floor next to the couch, and was
on her way to the kitchen to find everything she had gotten ready
the night before. She'd been on a fruit kick lately, and between
that and packing for the dog, she had more than enough to borderline
ridiculous. Looking over in the direction of the door when she heard
it open, she smiled at the sight of Travis. "Hey.."

TJ parked the car in the driveway and made his way up to the front
where he saw the door was open. He pushed it open further and
stepped inside. Troy sensed him immediately and bounded toward him
and TJ got down on one knee to greet the dog with some scratches
behind the ears and let him lick his face. He heard Kayla's greeting
and glanced up, offering a smile. "Hey," he returned, getting to his
feet. Now that he'd properly greeted the dog, he was content to let
TJ talk to Kayla without interruption. He went to her and pressed a
kiss to her cheek.
"What can I help you with?" He looked around for bags and saw them
next to the door. "I'll start loading." He looked between the bags
and her again, raising his brow. He new she'd get his meaning. There
was enough there for three people. Shaking his head gently, he
grabbed the first couple bags and hauled them out the front door,
pulling it closed behind him so the dog wouldn't get out. He packed
them into the rear of the car and headed back in for the rest.
"Do we need to stop anywhere before we head out? The car's all
gassed up and I packed some food. I wouldn't mind stopping at
McDonald's but if you're not going to be able to handle that, we can
get breakfast somewhere else." He stood near the door, holding the
last of the bags, Troy sniffing at them until he lost interest and
wandered back to the couch and laid down.

"You have obviously won him over..." She laughed as she watched the
interaction between Troy and Travis. There were some people he was
still pretty hesitant about going up to, but with Travis it had not
taken much time at all. She was a litle impressed, but at the same
time not really all that surprised -- he had after all won her over
quite easily as well. "Just like mom, huh?" She mumbled to herself,
looking over in the direction of the dog, before turning her
attention over to Travis. Giving him a quick hug when he walked up
to her, she smiled. "You sure you're ready for a roadtrip with this
beast here?"
Following his gaze, she laughed; Kayla knew exactly what Travis was
thinking as soon as his attention went to the bags sitting by the
door. "You know me.." She smiled, a small shrug of her shoulders
following at his raised eyebrow. "...can never make up my mind." At
the shake of his head she laughed once more, her attention going
back to the kitchen where she'd left both reusable bags filled with
a few of her "healthier" snacks, as well as Troys food and treats.
It was going to be a long trip, and she knew they would have to make
a stop before the day was over.
Watching him walk back in she smiled a little to herself; Having
Travis there had hit her with a small sense of nostalgia. It wasn't
that she was sad -- enough time had passed where she could be around
him without being upset by it, but having him there felt a bit like
old times. They really hadn't gone on many road trips through the
years -- work was always getting in the way, but the few they had
been on had always proven to be good ones.
"I don't know, TJ.. I kind of like the idea of food, food.." Not
that she'd be completely against the idea of fast food, she was sure
she'd be having some at some point in their trip, but she was dying
for a real breakfast. "A veggie omelet is just screaming my name.."
Walking over to the couch, she leaned down to pet Troy for a few
seconds, reaching over to grab his leash from the table nearby. He
might not need it at all times, but she wasn't about to risk it
hundreds of miles away where things weren't familiar to him. "I can
just whip something up real quick if you rather not stop.." Looking
up at him, she gave him another small shrug, "I do need coffee,
think I'll probably be able to handle him alright. It's you I'm
worried about," he teased with a smile. He got the rest of her bags
loaded into the car, along with Troy's stuff. All that was left was
what Kayla was gathering when he walked in. "Well, a veggie omelette
sounds like I'd rather eat a paper bag, but I'll wait while you make
yourself one. And then we can just roll through the drive-thru for
me." Seemed like a simple enough solution to him. He took a seat on
the couch next to Troy and settled in to wait for a while.
TJ had never been the most health conscious guy, and vegetables
didn't always sit well with him. He was definitely a meat and
potatoes man. And besides, McDonald's was a sort of road trip
tradition for him. Or at least, a fast food breakfast was. But she
was pregnant and he was happy to cater to her cravings. He wasn't
about to deny her anything she might want, and was happy to settle
for a compromise so they could both be happy.
He reached over and scratched the dog behind the ears again. "And we
can get coffee or make it here, I'm not picky about that." He
glanced at her over the back of the couch. "Is there anything you
need my help with? I can make the coffee if you want." He lifted his
brows in question and turned a little bit more to look at her.
ha.. so funny.." She said, a mock offended look on her face. She
knew she could be pretty bad when she wanted to, but, she wanted to
enjoy the trip as much as possible -- complaining about one thing or
the other wasn't about to make that happen. Making her way back into
the kitchen, she leaned against the counter, looking at him across
the room. "Since you won't be having any of my 'I rather have a
paper bag' breakfast.. you want something else while you wait?" She
wasn't necessarily looking forward to the cleaning part of making
breakfast, but she really wasn't up for the greasy aspect of a
Macdonald breakfast either.
Walking over to the fridge, Kayla pulled out a container of leftover
vegetables from the night before -- spinach, mushrooms, bell
peppers, and onions; one thing Kayla was glad about during her
pregnancy was that majority of her cravings had gone more toward the
healthy side. She had the occasional milk shake craving, which she
was sure she'd end up getting on their drive-thru stop, but other
than that not much really got her attention.
Looking over her shoulder while she fished out the cheese and eggs
from the refrigerator she answered his question. "As weird as it
sounds.. I do kinda miss your coffee." Closing the door, she placed
everything on the counter and turned to look at him once more. "So..
yes, if you want to make coffee I won't really fight you over it.."
grinned when she threw his words back at him. "Nah, I'm good." He
sat there and scratched Troy a bit more while she rummaged around in
the kitchen to make her omelette. He quietly observed her while she
walked between the refrigerator and the stove. He could see the
prominent swell of her belly, though it could be hidden if she
angled herself in just the right way, and he felt a small lurch in
his belly. It took him a moment to identify it as pride. He was
proud that she was carrying his child. He honestly couldn't think of
someone else more appropriate, not only because of their history but
because there was a reason they'd been circling each other for the
better part of a decade.
He also took a moment to admire the other parts of her body that
were filling out thanks to a little weight gain. Her legs had always
been long and lean, but they seemed a little more muscular these
days and her ass seemed a little rounder. He caught her eye after a
moment and felt like he'd been caught with his hand in the cookie
jar. He smiled and nodded when she said she wouldn't fight him if he
wanted to make the coffee. He pushed off the couch and joined her in
the kitchen, prepping the coffee maker and spooning the grounds into
the filter, filling it with water. A few moments later it was
percolating and he stepped up behind her at the stove. He
tentatively settled his hands on her hips and then slid them forward
to cup her belly.
"Have I mentioned how surreal it is that you and I did this?" he
murmured near her ear, his chin resting lightly on her shoulder. His
hands moved over the swell of her stomach. Not only was it surreal,
but it was kind of a turn on and he had to physically remove himself
from her a moment later, or he'd make a fool out of himself. He
cleared his throat and turned back to the coffee maker, reaching
into a cupboard for some mugs.
majority of her pregnancy Kayla had been too concerned with the idea
of not showing it. It wasn't that she was ashamed,
but she'd been pretty unsure of how to deal with it at first, and if
she was to admit to it, she'd been scared of what Travis's reaction
might have been. Now, however, she was no longer worried about
showing she was pregnant. Granted, she wasn't flaunting it at work
just yet -- though, she knew a few people had their suspicions, but
she wasn't about to continue actively trying to hide it, either. The
smile that touched her lips when she caught Travis watching her was
not one she was able to hide easily. It was one of the things she
missed about their relationship -- regardless of the kind of day she
was having, or how she felt, he always had a way of making her feel
attractive with just a look. While she knew she had not changed
much, being pregnant, there were days when the last thing she felt
was attractive -- being hit on by someone in the back seat of her
patrol car was not the same as getting that silent look from someone
she cared about. She had to admit, she liked it, and definitely
missed it more than just a little. The smile still on her
face, she turned her attention back to the stove, flipping half the
omelet over the vegetables before removing it from the heat.
When she felt Travis sneak up behind her, and his hands settle on
her hips, her smile got wider. It was such a simple touch, and while
there was nothing remotely sexual about it, it reminded her of the
days when the same touch was a little different. "Mmhm.." She
mumbled, finding herself leaning back against him. If there was one
thing that never changed between them was the attraction that was
there. It didn't matter if they were on or off, there was always
something there. In the back of her mind, Kayla knew that was not
something that would ever go away, at least not on her part. They
had spent a decade building that, and she knew it couldn't be
erased. "I never thought we'd find ourselves here.."
Her hand running over his arm, she turned her body around to face
him, giving him a small shrug of her shoulder. She wasn't lying
either. A baby was not something she thought was part of their
future, but now that it was, she couldn't see herself changing it.
"I think I like it.." She said, walking backwards as he made his way
back to the coffee, stopping when her back touched the counter.
"Thanks for the coffee.." She looked up, the smile still on her