wasn't often that Jack Cooper got upset. Years of military training,
and just a naturally easygoing personality helped make him one of
the easiest people in the world to get along with. Tonight, however,
was a different story.
"Never again!" he called to no one in particular as he came rushing
through the door of the apartment, covered in thick, powdery snow
from his head to his boots. It clung to his coat, hung off his
backpack, and coated his beard. One big, dog-like shake and most of
it came loose, the exception being his coat, which, while warm and
water proof, acted like Velcro when it came to the white stuff.
"I'm staying home until May!" Jack added as he toed off his winter
boots and hung his coat up to dry. The backpack, holding mostly art
supplies, granola bars, and drawing his kids at the Y had made him,
sat forgotten in the front entrance.
Vermont was finally catching the brunt of the snow squalls that had
been slowly creeping across the east coast for the last two months.
It was nearly Christmas, and what they had originally thought to be
a mild winter, was turning into a sea of white that was as deadly as
it was beautiful.
Turning the corner into the open-plan kitchen, he finally began
feeling his toes warm. Jack headed straight for the sink first,
turning the faucet as hot as he could stand it before soaking his
hands underneath, letting his frozen fingers thaw a bit. A happy
sort of sigh escaped him as the water slowly brought his hands back
to life, his skin turning red in a matter of minutes. Right now, he
didn't care whether the heated liquid would chafe his hands, he
wanted the comfort it provided and nothing but.
Looking over his shoulder, he shot a smile at the woman who he
considered to be his best friend. The one who'd provided him with
nothing but comfort, joy, and peace since his return from
Afghanistan almost a year ago. The one who could make him laugh with
just a look, and the one who never failed to make him feel like he
was actually doing well in his life out of uniform, despite what
everyone else seemed to think.
"I hope you're not on call tonight. I won't get a wink of sleep with
you out there in that hell." Finally done with the water, Jack
turned, dried his hands and wrapped two big arms around her tiny
frame, hugging her from behind as though he hadn't seen her in years
before planting a soft kiss to her cheek with the utmost gentility.
Yeah, it had only been a few hours, but he'd missed her.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Looking
out through the too small window in front of her, Samantha let out a
small sigh, taking in just how much of a mess things seemed to be
outside. Or at least, how much of a mess they seemed to be in her
eyes. As much as Samantha could say that she loved her job, she was
certainly glad she wasn't out there that night. It wasn't that she
was being lazy, or that she had better things to do.. she just
didn't feel well enough to be out there in such cold weather. Her
flu having nearly disappeared, and having gone down to just a cough,
she didn't want to risk bringing it back up by exposing herself to
such harsh elements. Of course, most people would just say she was
being a wimp.. but, Vermont weather just wasn't made for her.
She still liked to joke around that it was the Hawaiian in her that
was keeping her from getting used to, or even enjoying a day like
that one. In reality, she had just not even tried -- It wasn't her
thing. She wasn't going to lie, though, the snow was beautiful --
made everything seem like something out of a movie, or book.. or
like she liked to say, 'something that is only nice when you're on
the other side, and not right in the middle of it' ... but, she just
wasn't buying into the whole white Christmas everyone seemed to be
so excited over.
After giving in, and dropping the much too festive blanket she had
wrapped around herself back on the couch, she made her way into the
kitchen. Intent on finding something to keep herself warm, she dug
though the cupboards, finally deciding on some Chamomile tea. It was
her favorite, after all.. and it would certainly do the trick. In
reality, she had not even cared what it was, or what it tasted
like.. she simply wanted something that was hot enough to keep her
warm for at least the next few minutes. She had already been sitting
down, a cup of the hot liquid in her hands, when the front door had
closed shut in what had seemed to her like a hurry. It took her no
time to figure out why the hurry, and just who it was. Her best
friend wasn't exactly any more thrilled than she was at the kind of
cold they were having.
With a smile on her lips, she pushed herself from the chair with
enough time to see her best friend walk into the kitchen, and
directly toward the sink. Laughing softly, she could help the
comment that left her lips.."Body heat.. much nicer.." If asked she
would blame it on everyone talking about sharing body heat with the
other, but.. it wasn't like she was opposed to the idea in the first
place -- it wouldn't be the first time they fall asleep on the same
bed, or couch.. or wherever it is they decided to get comfortable.
"No..." Answering his question as his arms went around her, she
leaned back against him, turning her head to look up at him. "I
don't have to be out in that hell until tomorrow night.." Gently
rubbing her hands up and down his arms, she tried keeping him as
warm as she could, all the while trying to give him back as much
feeling to his arms as possible, knowing he'd been sure to lose all
feeling to them on the way home. "We'll figure out how to at least
give you a wink of that sleep tomorrow.."
Turning around to face him, her arms went around his waist, playing
with the hem of his shirt as she tried keeping her own hands warm.
"How about we move far, far away.. where the sun always shines?"
only we had the money, darling," Jack said dramatically with a grin,
one hand coming up to gently stroke a lock of hair from her face,
his blue-green eyes warm in the dim light.
The cold was all but forgotten as he gazed down at her, the worries
and stress, the loud scream and boisterous laughs of his kids
melting away in the quiet of their apartment. It was nights like
these that Jack adored, cozy and beyond comfortable; nights that
called for nothing more than a warm blanket, his best friend, and
some good food. Despite their frequency, Jack hadn't come to take
these sorts of times for granted. He had witnessed hell in
Afghanistan and Iraq. He had done things that he would never speak
about unless forced by his government. Things that he couldn't bring
himself to utter even to Samantha; especially to Samantha.
Nights like these however, when the most stressful thing they had to
talk about was what sort of food to make, were the nights that kept
Jack sane. He was sure Samantha would never know just how much it
meant to him, but he was never above trying to show her in his
actions and words.
"How was your day?" he asked as he held her close, not willing to
let go quite yet. They had the whole evening to make dinner and
watch crappy TV; a little catching up time never hurt anyone.
mean we're not going to run off to Hawaii, drinking pina coladas,
and the sun hitting us all day long..? " She ruffled her hand over
his hair as she talked, a few white flake falling onto his shoulders
as she did so. "No more of this white fluffy stuff all over you..."
A girl can dream, and a very nice dream that it was. She hadn't been
back home since she left all those years back, but she couldn't deny
the thought was still there. Someday, she kept telling herself.
Giving him the welcome she had not when he first walked in, her arms
wrapped tighter around him, and a soft kiss was placed on his cheek.
"Your loss..." She laughed softly; her arms dropping down to her
sides once more, but not before giving him another tight squeeze.
"Just imagine all the bikini clad women around you that you're
missing" Her brown, green eyes locked with his; a small smile
touching her lips, even when the thought of him in such a position
wasn't all that appealing to her.
"My day.. not bad.. uneventful.." With that being said, she moved
away from him once more, moving in the direction of the tea she had
all but forgotten when he'd made it in the door. That was something
that happened to her a lot; any time he was around, her attention
went to him, regardless of what she was doing at the time.
"I think you need it more than I do.." She held the warm cup out to
him, figuring he was in more need of warming up than she was. Taking
a hold of his other hand with her free one, she started walking out
towards the living room, dragging him out with her. Once in front of
their couch, she let herself fall back onto it, letting go of his
hand long enough to wrap the blanket around herself and motion for
him to sit down as well. "Come on..."
show me plane tickets, I'll show you a packed bag," Jack laughed
softly, having never once had the experience of being somewhere
tropical. Coming from a working-class family in Chino, the furthest
he'd ever been before joining the army had been San Francisco. Even
after putting on a uniform, he'd been sent to the desert and to
Europe, both of which were miles away from a sunny beach.
Taking the tea with a grateful grin, he easily let her lead him to
the couch. His feet were slowly starting to warm and he was sure
that once he was under the blanket, wrapped around her like a great
big bear rug, that he would be at the perfect temperature again.
Yawning slightly as he set the mug down on their side table, Jack
easily lifted the blanket off her before fluidly stepping over her
legs and laying down behind her, the blanket thrown back over the
two of them right after.
"Sit. Ha! And have frozen feet while you lay there all cozy? Don't
think so," he grinned, blowing a raspberry into her neck before
reaching for the remote.
It was a side of Jack that no one but Samantha ever saw. Around
everyone else, he was a man's man, loud, tough, and in control. With
her however, he was just a big puppy dog, alway ready for a snuggle.
She was one of the few people who had ever seen him cry, and if Jack
had any say in the matter, it would stay that way.
we know what you're getting for your birthday.." Now, of course the
statement was only half truth. She would love for things to be that
easy, and would especially love to give him the opportunity of
spending some time out in such a nice place, but things were never
that simple in real life. They had work; they had responsibilities,
and as much as she would love to get away and drag him out with her,
it wasn't likely to happen -- not without a lot hard work first.
Once she got comfortable on their couch, and at the feel of his lips
on her neck, Samantha couldn't help but move a little to the side, a
small giggle leaving her lips. She was a very ticklish person, and
it was something that Jack definitely knew -- her neck definitely
being a weakness of hers. While he didn't necessarily take advantage
of it, it was something that he knew how to use when he wanted to.
She couldn't hide that she loved that about him, though. It always
helped turn her bad days around; there was just a sort of comfort in
having someone who knew you that well.
Turning around to face him, she draped one arm over him, snuggling
against his chest to keep the warmth his body and the blanket over
them brought. It was a habit they had gotten into in the time they'd
been living together, and something she wasn't sure she'd be willing
to give up anytime soon. He was her best friend, and the only person
who knew everything that could be know about her. She trusted him
more than she did anyone else. She had given up on a romantic
relationship a long time ago, and it felt nice to at least have a
close friend to always go to when things got hard.
She wasn't sure she'd ever really told him that, but part of her
knew that he must have at least some kind of an idea. He had, after
all, been the only person she'd cried to when things got bad after
leaving New York -- and the only person who knew just how much she
really wanted to go back in training to improve her chances at work.
"You do know.. " She let out a small nervous laugh, tilting her head
back to look up at him. "I love having you here, right..?" Hiding
her face against his neck, she let out another small laugh, not
quite exactly sure how else to react. "It makes a crazy day
I want for my birthday is chocolate cake. That's it. One thick slice
and I can die a happy man," Jack shook his head, his usual happy
smile firmly spread across his face, eyes merry and full of life.
For a man who had seen the torture of war, who had stared death in
the face nearly every day, he was remarkably well-adjusted. It
wasn't quite the case a year ago when he'd first landed on
Samantha's door. He had been fresh off his flight from California,
and still stinging from both the war and his recent breakup with his
girlfriend, who had turned out to be a lying skank who hadn't even
bothered waiting for him to leave the country to start seeing other
people. He'd had trouble sleeping, and had almost instantly taken to
waking up in the middle of the night, padding from his room to
Samantha's and snuggling up tightly behind her as though she were
his shield from his own nightmares.
When she turned in his arms, Jack's eyes softened, a clear affection
broadcast in them, directed solely at her. It wasn't hard to see
that she was his favorite person in the entire world. Once she was
settled into the new position, Jack couldn't stop himself from
gently stroking one big hand over her head, fingers resting on the
nape of her neck afterwards, massaging the muscles there gently.
"I wouldn't want to be anywhere else, Sam, you know that," he
murmured into her hair, pressing soft kisses there when he was
finished speaking.
While he was certain she'd said her day had been uneventful earlier,
Jack knew that even uneventful was stressful in the field she was
in. It was just one of many reasons that he made sure to do as much
as possible around the house; the less stress she had, the better.
The hand on her neck moved to the middle of her back, the heel of
his palm digging in just slightly to loosen the knots he could feel
there, Jack's face still buried in her hair, as he simply relished
the moment.
"Have you had dinner yet, babe?" Jack asked, a touch of concern in
his voice; he was like a mother hen sometimes when it came to her,
but it was only because he wouldn't know how to be himself without
her there.
man after my own heart." She smiled softly, pressing her lips to his
forehead, a small kiss pressed to it. As much as she liked his
answer, just the look on his face alone would have made her smile.
He seemed so calm, so relaxed.. so happy. It was hard to believe he
was the same man from only a year before.
She could still remember all the nights he spent in her room, not
able to sleep because of everything he'd been through. She had hated
seeing him like that, and had done everything she'd been able to try
and make him feel better. In a way he'd been broken, and she'd been
scared she wouldn't be able to get the old Jack back. More often
than not, on those nights when she held them while he slept --
trying to comfort both himself and her, she cried herself to sleep.
He had been such a big part of her life for such a long time, that
she hated the thought of him going through such a hard time.
Now, on the other hand, she held him for the sole reason that it
felt good to have him near her. She felt comforted, safer --
happier, even. He had changed her life in such a big way that she
wasn't sure what she would do without him around. She didn't even
want to know.
Sighing softly at the feel of his hands on her neck, Samantha let
her eyes go closed, simply enjoying what he was doing. He was
obviously very good with his hands, and she had never been one to
protest when he used them on her. She had in fact, made it quite
obvious on more than one occasion just how much she loved it. The
fact that after a crazy 16 hour shift she could go home to finding
him there, and be welcomed in such a way -- it made going home much
better still.
"Dinner..." she laughed softly, her hand softly running up and down
his back. She should have probably started dinner at that point, or
picked something up on the way back home, but after being at work
since 5 in the morning, and not getting the chance to get out until
a little after six -- she was exhausted. "I was too tired to move
when I got here... Work was uneventful, but long..."
Hugging him a little, placing a small kiss to his neck just for the
reason of doing so, she added, "you hungry?"
starving, but you are staying put because I'm making dinner, for
you, my sweet," he said, a pre-emptive strike against what he knew
to be coming. More often than not on the days she worked the longer
shifts, Jack would find himself in the kitchen, making a bit of a
mess and a great meal so that she could put her feet up and relax.
He'd been teased mercilessly about it by both their brothers, but he
knew it made her happy and that was what counted.
Giving her another big bear hug, he turned them so that she was
laying on top of him, Jack's hands making quick work of any knots in
her back with long, pressured strokes along her spine, every last
movement intended solely to help her unwind after a long day. He
couldn't imagine working 16 hours doing what she did. Sure, when he
made it through the academy, his shifts would be just as long, Jack
was sure that they would be (at least somewhat) less stressful than
"What would my favorite person in the world like for dinner?"
Whispering tenderly as he finished off her lower back, Jack's hands
moved back to her hair, stroking it off her neck and letting it fall
down over his arm. He wondered if she knew just how beautiful she
was to him during times like these.
I knew there was a good reason for loving you.." She laughed softly
as he flipped them over, her arms crossing over his chest once she
was on top of him. In the time they'd been living together she'd
never mentioned it, but that had always been one of the things that
helped relax her the most. It didn't matter how long her day had
been, or just how bad of a day it was -- the chance to lay down and
relax on top of him always helped her forget everything else that
was going on. Shaking her head, she laughed softly to herself at the
thought that he'd become almost a sort of drug to her. She just
didn't feel right if he wasn't around.
Her eyes closed, she buried her face into his neck, taking in the
smell of aftershave and soap -- something she had come to
immediately associate with him. It didn't matter where she was, or
who she was with, just the scent alone made her think of Jack.
Letting a small smile touch her lips, she placed a soft kiss to his
shoulder, a small almost inaudible moan leaving her lips at what he
was doing. She felt so good at that moment, that if she let herself,
she'd be likely to fall asleep.
After a few minutes of not saying anything, and simply enjoying the
massage she was receiving, she moved her face away from his neck in
order to look down at him. Lightly biting down on her lip, she let
another smile touch her lips. It seemed to her like she could do
nothing else other than smile. Her fingers tracing along his sides,
she gave a little shrug of her shoulder, before leaning down to
place a quick kiss to his nose.
With another smile, she simply answered. "If you're cooking..
own perfume had caused him problems on more than one occasion. It
was a popular choice among women and there had been numerous times
that he'd found himself on the verge to greeting someone the way he
normally greeted her--a hug and a kiss--only to at the last second
realize that it was a stranger and not his Sam. It was such a strong
reminder of her that he knew he could never attribute it to anyone
"Anything it is, then," he chuckled softly, his cheeks turning rosy
at the sweet show of affection from her. He basked in those little
displays, eyes closed and crinkles at the corners, smile as bright
as could be; like a big dog getting its belly scratched. Any time
she something, like kiss his nose, or squeeze him tight, he felt
whatever weight that was on his shoulders lift. It had been her
slender arms that had kept him sleeping peacefully those first few
weeks and now, it was that same hold that kept only dreams in his
mind during their hours of rest.
"Oh and before I forget, the kids made you some drawings. The topic
of discussion today was princesses and I mentioned that I knew one
personally," Jack added, giving Sam a sly grin as though nothing but
fun and mischief had been involved in the drawings. "Patty told me
to tell you that the next time you come down, she's going to
sprinkle you with fairy dust--glitter, for those in the know--so
that you'll have a good day saving people."
It was clear from how he spoke about them that Jack was incredibly
fond of his kids. They ranged in age from two to six, and he doted
on them almost as much as he doted on Sam. His warm attitude,
tireless patience, and ability to loose himself completely in
whatever activity he'd come up with for the kids made him a favorite
with the parents as well. More than one single mother handed him her
phone number every day, but as always, they'd go into a lopsided,
careless ball in Jack's bag, completely forgotten about until he
cleaned out the ruck sack for the night. Then, they'd all go into
the ashtray, burning along with the ash from the occasional
cigarettes he smoked out on their balcony.
Returning the affection with a gentle kiss of his own, applied
sweetly to her cheek, Jack slowly sat up, easily moving Samantha so
that she was back in her original position.
"Any good stories, hon? Did Mr. Hattison call you again?" Mr.
Hattison was their downstairs neighbor and a man who had some very
interesting ideas about pleasure. At least once a week, he would
call dispatch because something was stuck. The last time he'd
called, that something had been a living, breathing, scurrying
animal. Jack shuddered immediately at the thought as he reluctantly
moved off the couch and to the kitchen, intent on fixing them up
something simple but filling.
After a quick wash of his hands, Jack got to work, peeling garlic,
melting butter, and boiling water. Soon enough their kitchen would
smell like a Michelin-rated restaurant, and it would look like a
dumpster. He wasn't the best at 'mis en place' and tended to forget
to clean as he cooked, but he never failed to make a great plate of
whatever someone wanted and that was why everyone always asked him
to whip them up a little something when they were over.
Jeez'.. That was the only thing that she could think of at that
mention of fairy dust. She would have to remember to keep an extra
change of clothes in the car any time she went to see Jack at work.
Which basically meant she wouldn't be able to leave the house with
just the one uniform. The last thing she needed was to get back to
the station after her break, all shiny and glittery; she would never
live that one down -- everyone would make sure of it.
As much as she was not looking forward to looking like a Christmas
decoration, she couldn't help but love how close Jack was to his
kids. There had been enough times when she'd gone to surprise him
during her lunch break -- usually bearing gifts in the form of food,
but once she'd seen how lost he'd get in the class, she'd leave the
food behind with some kind of note to let him know she'd been
around. All it took was to see him out there one day, and she could
already see what he would be like with children. Some people were
born to be parents, others learned -- he was born to be one. It was
clear by the way everyone related to him. He wasn't just someone
getting paid to take care of kids, he was someone who truly cared
about them. In that aspect, Samantha was a typical girl; at the mere
sight of him with children, she'd melt. He was her best friend, but
she couldn't deny the appeal of the scenario.
She'd been so lost in thought, that she had not noticed what was
going on until she felt herself being moved onto the couch. With a
little bit of a pout, she looked up at Jack, watching as he started
heading in the direction of the kitchen. If she was to be honest
with herself, the loss of the warmth he brought was almost
unsettling. She knew it probably was not the best of ideas to get so
attached to such a thing, but at that moment in time it was too
late. Whether she told him or not, she needed him there.
After a few seconds of listening to him talk, she turned over onto
her back, her eyes going closed as she talked to him. She was not as
comfortable as she'd been a few minutes earlier, but it was warm, so
she couldn't complain. Shaking her head at Jack's question, even
though she knew he could not see her, she laughed out loud, almost
answering his question with that reaction alone. "You know.. I think
I'd actually be scared to walk into that house.." Turning back on
her side, finding it uncomfortable to talk to him without being able
to at least see him, she continued. "I don't even want to know what
he has there.. much less what's going on in there."
Pushing herself off the couch, she grabbed the blanket and draped it
over her shoulders as she made her way back into the kitchen.
Standing behind Jack, she watched him for a few minutes, the smell
of what he was so carefully -- even though messily preparing,
getting even hungrier than she'd already been. "I'm starting to
think he just likes creeping me out a little.." Laughing softly, she
brought her hands up to his shoulders, lightly massaging the muscles
there. "I gotta say, it might be working."
the Gerbil, I never want to see that man again," he made a grossed
out face as he stirred the sauce, the shrimp already cooking away in
another pot.
Feeling her behind him, he lifted his free hand, his universal
signal for her to snuggle up close. With the height difference
between them, it made it easy for her to slot in at his side, his
barrel chest and big arm more than enough to keep her comfortably
snug. Jack barely noticed how much of a 'couple' thing it was to do
what they did. To him, it just felt natural. They shared everything,
from conversation to food, to living space. Despite the apartment
having two bedroom, his remained untouched for the most part. It was
simply a closet, a room he went into merely to fold clothes, or play
computer games when he knew Sam was busy and didn't want to be
bothered. It had a bed, sure, but the sheets were clean and still
crisply folded down, military style. Jack hadn't slept in the bed he
bought for the last eight months.
Thinking further on the subject, he realized that he'd never even
really asked for permission to share her room. The change had
progressed wordlessly. Where at first he would come in at some
ungodly hour, quiet as a mouse despite his size, and slide in behind
her, now, he merely padded in behind her, and sank down onto the
cozy mattress as though it were his own room.
A smile graced his features as he took the shrimp off, picking one
out carefully and blowing on it until he figured it suitable enough
not to burn someone's tongue. Glancing down at Sam, he offered it to
her silently, knowing she would tell him if it needed salt or any
other spice. She had become his official taste-tester from day one
and he valued her judgment above all else.
"Glad you came home in one piece," he murmured, compelled to tell
her the same thing every day, just so she knew how much she meant to
him. Eyes soft and filled with nothing but adoration for her, he
pressed a kiss to her temple as he took the sauce off the burner and
set it aside to cool while the fettuccine finished cooking.
still wasn't sure how the change had occurred, but every day she
grew to like their arrangement even more. Most people didn't
understand it, and those who claimed to do so, only teased her about
it. 'an old married couple' that's what her brother called them
whenever he was around. Things had not gotten any better the day he
showed up to find them sleeping in the same room. After that night,
there was no convincing him there wasn't anything going on between
them. In all honesty, she didn't care. Both Jack and herself knew
what was going on, and that's what mattered -- and even if there had
been more than friendship there, it was nobody else's business.
Taking in a deep breath, she took in the aroma of the shrimp and
pasta he was cooking. He had always been a great cook, and she found
herself loving moments like that one. With a smile, she took the
shrimp she was being offered, savoring it for a few seconds before
giving him a thumbs up. "Another successful meal.." She laughed,
closing her eyes when he placed the kiss to her temple.
Resting her head against his shoulder, she let an arm drape around
him as he cooked. Sometimes Samantha wondered why her life with
Jack, and the life she led away from him were so different. At home
she was calmer, less reckless.. a lot more like a regular person --
and less like someone who lived for, and thrived on dangerous
situations. Her job, her hobbies -- even that afternoon, when she'd
helped a guy get a place to sleep in, she'd been taking a risk. It
was just the way she was, and without her best friend around to
knock some sense into her, and point out when something was probably
a bad idea. she wasn't likely to change. She was the type of person
to dive head first into anything, regardless of the outcome.
That was probably exactly the same reason why she'd made the
decision she had a few days ago. Her job was incredible, and she
loved every minute of it, but she wanted to do more; she needed to
do more. She hadn't mentioned it to Jack yet, but in just a little
over a month she'd be headed out to Texas -- finally able to get the
training she'd wanted for a while. It was a good opportunity, one
which she couldn't skip out on, and one which she hoped he would
join her on. Playing her fingers along his back, she tilted her head
up to look at him. "Not your birthday.. and not Hawaii.. but, what
would you say to a week in Austin..?" Shrugging her shoulders, she
joked, "I can work my ass off.. you can give me a massage to look
forward to.."
that training course, right? Your boss told me about it when he
called to see if I wanted a ticket to the Christmas party. I say you
should definitely go for it. I don't know if I'll be able to get off
work that long, but I'll put in the request regardless. Even if I
can only stay three days, it'd be a nice break from this crap
weather," he reasoned, his face clearly showing just how proud he
was of her for taking that next step. He wanted to come for the full
week and already, was trying to think of ways to sweet talk his
boss, a woman known only for her iron fist, into letting him go the
full stay.
Turning off the burners, he lifted the built-in strainer out of the
pot and let the water run off the noodles, leaving them just a
little wet as he then stirred them in with the sauce and shrimp.
"So what exactly are you going to learn down there? Boss man gave me
an overview, but you know me..." Jack made a motion with his free
hand, a wordless indication of his difficulty comprehending new
information on the first try. It wasn't something he talked about,
but it was plain as day to anyone who knew him. His inability to
have things sink in on the first try was the biggest reason why he
hadn't signed up for the police academy yet. Jack knew he was hiding
behind his current job, knew that he could do better, but the fear
of failing, especially in a similar field to Sam's, was something he
wasn't ready to deal with yet.
Once the pasta was good and coated, Jack began to plate things,
making sure each got an equal portion and more than enough shrimp.
His attention to detail was unmistakable, and as with anything else
he did around the house, it was done with care and a certain,
unspoken amount of love. When he was satisfied that everything was
to his and Sam's liking, he brought both plates over to their coffee
table, making sure none of his prized photography books were in the
way before setting everything down and taking his customary seat on
the floor; it gave Sam free reign of the couch, still allowed her a
clear view of the TV, and gave him ample leg room while eating. All
in all, it was the perfect spot.
the Christmas party.." Apparently her boss had beat her to it. She
had tried mentioning it to him earlier that week, but had gotten so
busy with work that she had been unable to get back to him. Now that
her boss had done the honors of bringing the conversation back up,
it was her turn at convincing him to go. "Yeah.. you've got no
option on that one.. you've been outvoted.." In all honesty, she
wasn't sure whether he wanted to go or not, but she had every
intention on changing his mind if it turned out that he didn't. It
was going to be fun, and she wanted her best friend around.
"It's like a mini police academy.." She answered his question,
watching as he put the finishing touches to his dinner. They had
been living together for about a year, but even then, she was still
impressed with his ability to put together a very good dinner. She
could easily say he was the better cook in that household. Following
him out into their living room, she got comfortable on their couch,
smiling a little as she watched him take his usual spot on the
floor. She knew his reasoning for it, and she couldn't deny that
while for different reasons altogether, she did love it as well.
Resting her head on his shoulder, she placed a small kiss to his
cheek, softly whispering against his ear. "Thanks.. it all looks
As they ate their dinner, she eventually found herself going from
her spot on the couch, to sitting on the floor right next to him. As
comfortable as she was, and as easy as that position made it for her
to touch him, sometimes she preferred the simple contact of being
next him. Going back to his previous question of her training, she
started once again, her head rested against his shoulder as she did
so. "The best word for it is hostile..hostage situations,
shootings.. That type of thing.. Once I'm done, I'll be going in
those calls as well."
Stretching her feet out in front of her, she smiled softly at him,
knowing police work was something he was aiming for, and knowing
she'd get the chance of working with him more often by doing what
she was doing. "Basically, I'll be working with the police
department as much as I will fire.."
stiffened a little at the word 'hostile'. He knew all its
connotations full well and while he knew he couldn't stop her from
doing it, he also didn't want her to because it increased her
chances of being in a dangerous situation; one in which unless he
made it onto the brass, he wouldn't be able to help her through. His
eyes saddened visibly at the thought of her going into those types
of situations and Jack found it hard to control his breathing,
images of his own team's medics and what they had to deal with
coming to mind.
A hitched breath escaped him before he gave her a forced smile. It
wasn't his place to tell her what to do, but every last inch of him
was screaming no. Of course, his mind, battered by war and trained
to react violently to almost any threat, was in overdrive, showing
him only the worst-case scenario, but Jack couldn't stop it any more
than he could stop his own breathing. The best thing to do when
things got overwhelming in his head was to remove himself from the
situation. With blurry vision, Jack slowly extricated himself from
his spot and, grabbing his pack of Marlboros, headed out to their
balcony to have a smoke and try to regain control of his wild
Is this how army wives felt when their men went off to war? Worried
every second of every day even though the truth was monotonous and
boring? Jack squeezed his eyes shut, willing the image of her
trapped in a bad spot to go away. He didn't realize it, but he was
groaning as if in pain, the sounds soft and deep, like a bull at the
end of a fight.
Jack slowly pick himself up from the floor, and head out in the
direction of their balcony, she knew something wasn't right with
him. For starters, he didn't smoke -- not in front of her, usually.
That was something he usually did when he was alone, or if something
wasn't right. Pushing herself up off the floor, she followed him out
as well. "Jack..?" She spoke softly, almost as if scared to push him
back further into himself.
She suddenly felt the way she did a year back, when he'd just
returned from his tours, and had been broken from everything that
he'd seen. There were so many things which had triggered that
reaction from him back then, that she'd at times been scared to do
or say something that might do just that. She had hated seeing him
that way back then, and she hated seeing him that way now. He was
her best friend, the closest person to her, really, and her
inability to do anything to make him feel better, it was an
upsetting one.
Standing behind him, she let her arms wrap around him, hugging him
tightly to her. While she didn't know what was going through his
mind, she knew it wasn't anything little, not when it had gotten him
that way. "Hon.. what is it?" She whispered softly, one hand moving
to lightly scratch along his back. "You wanna talk to me..?" If
things were going to be like they were a year back, she knew it
would be hard to get him to open up, but she still hoped things
wouldn't be as bad as they seemed to be at that second, and that
he'd let her in.
Moving to stand in front of him, she took a hold of his hand,
pulling him with her until her back touched the railing. Pushing
herself up to sit on it, she pulled him to her, her arms going to
wrap around his waist once more. It was a chilly night, and the snow
was still falling behind them, only being protected from it by the
roof over their heads. In spite of it all, the night was a beautiful
one, and she hoped at least that would help clear his mind. "You
know I'm here, right.. I can listen.." Shrugging her shoulder just a
little, she gave him a sad smile, ".. or I can just sit here with
you.. we'll talk when you're ready.."
had learned a lot about communicating in the real world that first
year. He'd seen how easy it was to hurt those around him by shutting
them out, and while at times it was unavoidable, Jack had slowly
learned to control the impulse of keeping people out of his head by
just being honest and letting the consequences play out, good or
bad. It had been Sam's patience, her willingness to listen, and her
unwavering support that brought him to where he was now;
well-adjusted, happy, and actually living life.
Taking a drag off the smoke and being careful not to blow it in her
direction, he let her move him, finding it oddly amusing that she
could do so with the greatest of ease, despite the fact that he was
so much bigger than her. When she was settled, he relaxed into her
arms, tucking his face down so it rested on her shoulder, eyes,
nose, and mouth hidden by her hair.
"I'm scared that once you're done, they're going to throw you into
situations that will be dangerous. That you're going to see things
first hand that no one should have to face on a daily basis. That
you'll end up with a brain that's as messed up as mine." The words
were whispered and each syllable held so much anguish that it was
nearly palpable. Jack wrapped his free arm around her, the other
held out to the side, the smoke off the cigarette blowing away from
He blew out a sigh, his chest uncomfortable and heavy, a feeling
that he hadn't felt in a good long while. Jack hugged her close as
best he could, careful not to lean too hard, in case she lose her
balance. While they weren't the highest distance from the ground, it
still wouldn't be pretty if she fell.
"It's okay for me to be messed up, but I don't want that to happen
to you. The things I've seen...the things you'll see, while not in a
war, will still change you and not for the better necessarily. I
know I can't make you do or not do something. I know it's not my
place, but I just worry and I don't--" The more he spoke, the more
choked his voice became, Jack unable to stop the images from coming
back. Sure, she wouldn't be in the middle east, dealing with those
sorts of terrors, but there was still plenty of horrible things that
happened stateside.
Sniffling, he pulled away enough to look at her face-to-face. He
managed a wet smile, his eyes uncertain, but still very much filled
with the deepest fondness for his best friend.
"I will back your play no matter what you choose. I just want you to
be sure, that's all. If you can handle it, then I can as well. I
just want you to be sure. Just want you to be sure." The last
sentence was whispered, his hand moving from her back to her cheek,
Jack cupping it gently before kissing her forehead tenderly.
was almost as if she was stuck between a wall and a very hard place.
In one end, he was her best friend, and she wanted -- needed - to
make sure he was okay and happy. While she had been successful in
doing so a year before -- not without a lot of hard work and
patience -- it seemed that she was failing at that very moment. It
was her very decision of going a different direction with her career
that had caused that reaction from him. She had mentioned it before,
the training, at least, but she had never truly gotten into detail
of what it was that she would be doing. While not exactly sure, in
the back of her mind she'd probably expected that kind of reaction
from him; He'd always had a bit of a protective side to him.
If she was to be honest about it, even if it had been a fairly long
time since then, she still had not been too happy when both Jack and
her brother had left from the vacation they had both spent with her.
She had just met Jack at the time, but something had just clicked
between them, and they had been inseparable ever since. She had been
going through a very hard time with the loss of her fiance, and the
thought that her brother, and someone she'd quickly claimed as a
best friend were going to step foot into a situation no one should
ever be in, had not helped matters much. It wasn't something she
talked about, or even thought about, any more; It was something of
the past, and something which she wanted to leave there.
Sighing softly, she rested her forehead against his, smiling softly,
almost as if trying to lighten the mood. She knew it wasn't exactly
going to be that easy to do; when he got in the mood he was in, it
took plenty of work to get him out of it once more -- something she
hoped she'd be able to do that night.
Listening to him talk, she placed a quick kiss to his cheek, pulling
him closer to her as she pushed herself off the railing. She could
tell he was trying to be careful not to hold her too tightly, and
she for one was not having any of it. At that moment, she needed him
close to her. "No, Jack.. it is not okay for you to go through what
you have.. it's not okay for you to live with those things on a
daily basis.." Shaking her head at the logic, she lightly tugged at
him, hoping to go back inside, but not wanting to rush him either.
"I know what you're doing.. and, I love you for it, I do.. but.. you
don't have to put yourself through this." She wasn't just saying it
to say it, either. She knew the things she would be walking into
probably weren't the best of them, and she would definitely go home
on more than one occasion drained both physically and emotionally,
but as long as she had her best friend to go home to, and was able
to let go of her day and relax, she would be okay. "It's going to be
hard.. I'm sure.. but, I'll be okay.. I just need to know that
you're there.. that I if I have a bad day I can go home and curl up
in bed.. and you'll be there to make me forget about it.."
Running her hands over her face, she let her eyes go closed and let
out a deep breath. Looking up at Jack, she tried giving him a
reassuring smile. "I just need my best friend there.. everything
else will be okay.."
own eyes were a little wet as he let her move him this way and that,
making sure to keep close to her at all times. When she tugged, he
flicked the cigarette off the balcony and let her lead him back in.
Her words made sense, as they always had, and he nodded even though
he didn't say a word. The whole thing exhausted him mentally and he
had the zombie-esque face he'd come to her with a year ago.
Once they were back in the warmth of the apartment, Jack took her
hand and began walking to their room, intent on doing exactly as
she'd described and wrapping her up so that for that night, at
least, no one could hurt her. Training or no training, Jack knew the
things she would see would leave a mark and that, more so than any
gunfire or hostage situation, was what worried him most.
Closing the door behind her, Jack ran a quick mental check of the
kitchen, replaying his time there to make sure he'd turned off
everything. Satisfied that he had, he let go of her hand and began
to undress. Jack hated wearing his street clothes in the house,
preferring usually to hang around in lounge pants or basketball
shorts and a t-shirt. Tonight however, he was too tired to even
bother that much so, as if on autopilot, he simply shucked his
sweater, his shirt, his jeans, and his socks and climbed into bed,
taking up his usual side and waiting for her to crawl in beside him.
Jack needed her close tonight. Needed to feel that she was there,
warm and safe in his arms. She fit together with him as though they
were two pieces of a puzzle, and Jack wasn't sure whether it was
luck or something more meaningful, but they slotted together
perfectly; her head on his chest, his arms covering her back, their
legs tangled together. There was no place on earth that was more
soothing to him, and Jack knew he wouldn't get a wink of sleep
without having that feeling of peace and comfort wash over him like
a wave.
wasn't quite where she wanted him to be yet, but he at least seemed
to be letting himself relax a bit. Tracing her finger along his
nose, she gave it a small tap, not liking the sight of what looked
like tears in his eyes. It had been such a long time since she had
seen him that upset, and the knowledge that it was her doing hurt
more than she could have ever imagined.
Watching him rid himself of his clothes, and crawl into bed, she
smiled softly. At least he was letting go of if enough to let her be
near him. Once he was settled in bed, she followed suit, stripping
down to her underwear, before pulling one of his oversized shirts
over her head. That had quickly become a habit she'd found hard to
break, and until he was to say something about it, she was very
unlikely to stop.
Crawling into bed next to him, her arm automatically went to drape
around him, one foot between his. Most people would find their
sleeping arrangements to be odd, especially since they were only
friends, both were young, and single; that had not been something to
cross her mind before, though. She was comfortable with their
choices, and wouldn't change them.
Leaning up just enough, she placed a small kiss to his temple; a
sense of Deja vu hitting her she did so. "it's been a long day..."
She mumbled softly, her lips brushing over his eyes, before molding
her body to his, her head hiring at the crook of his neck. "You
should sleep.."
kiss caused Jack to close his eyes, tears slipping slowly down his
cheek as he tightened his hold on her. The feeling of needing to
protect her was back full force, and Jack may as well have been
standing in the path of a hurricane for how tossed around he felt
Cupping the back of her head with the same gentle touch he reserved
for the kids he worked with, Jack pressed kiss after kiss to the top
of her head, his face a mask of despair.
"Please, no matter what you do, just be safe, okay? I can't breathe
without you." The words were whispered, honest and intense, Jack
needing her to know that he could not imagine a life without her in
Rolling them over so that she was on top, he used her weight to
press against his ribcage, calming his breathing and easing his
anxiety. There was no missing the fact that she was there now,
despite how little she weighed. She was in his arms, pressing
against his chest, and breathing warm against his neck. Everything
would be okay.
Jack pulled their sheets and duvet up so that along with his arms
and legs wrapped around hers, the linens formed a cocoon around her.
He would get no sleep, but at the very least, he could ensure that
she did. As he often found himself doing on nights when he was
either too tired, or too upset to turn on the radio, Jack began
humming softly, the tune on pitch, and the melody slow. Eyes
closing, he didn't realize his own body was dragging him down into
sleep. All Jack knew as that she was there, she was resting, and
that she was safe in his arms.
He couldn't remember the name of the song, but it was something he'd
heard dozens of times over, and it was soft enough to lull them both
into dreamless sleep. |